I had to take a little time off of the blog to take care of some personal and work things, but I'm glad to finally return.

Earlier this week, I finished up a fun illustration for the upcoming June issue of Delaware Today that really put me in the mood for warm weather and vacation. The article is based on one woman's anecdotal quest to finally spend a summer relaxing and enjoying the indulgences of a vacation by the shore instead heeding the typical magazine advice to "shape up in time for summer".

Any time I draw someone with a big smile on their face, it puts me in a good mood the entire time I'm working on the piece. Mentioning this assignment also gives me an excuse to post some of the retro/ retro-inspired beach reference photos I gathered for inspiration (click the image for its source). Warm weather and beach time can not come fast enough!

Summer Illustrations and Retro Inspiration

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  1. Nice ilustration! The photos are amazing!

  2. I'm glad you're back _ I started to follow you and you disappeared! I've enjoyed leafing through your archives in your absence though!

  3. How inspiring!! Thank you for sharing the photos.


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