Once again, picking up my very forgotten series...

 Illustrator: Louis J. Rhead. Christmas 1894
 Illustrator: Harry Whitney McVickar. March 1896
Illustrator: unknown.  February 1904
 Illustrator: George Barbier.  February 1916
 Illustrator: unknown. March 1916
 Illustrator: Gustav Michelson. April 1916
 Illustrator: Erte. January 1918
 Illustrator: Erte. November 1920
 Illustrator: Erte. November 1926
 Illustrator: Leon Benigni. March 1932
 Illustrator: Erte.  December 1932
 Illustrator: Erte. November 1933

 Illustrator: Erte. March 1935

A large number of these came from this great blog post. I think I love Erte's covers the best, especially that one from January, 1918....but that really early cover from 1896 is pretty killer, too.

p.s. - I know that some of the "unknown" illustrator covers have a signature, but they're too small for me to make out. If you know who illustrated any of those, please let me know!

Vintage Magazine Cover Inspiration: Harper's Bazaar

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